These days, I'm not much for spiritual and/or religious stuff. I suppose I have little faith in the nonmeasurable. Or I think I do.
That said, I very much like to to do a card reading (Tarot and/or other) each New Year. For focus, even if I forget it all by February (yep. has happened). This year, I did a 4-card layout with closed-eye cutting of four decks:
North: Froud's and MacBeth's Faerie Oracle Deck: Honesty
East: Bestiary Deck: Kyoht's Aye-Aye (6 of diamonds)
South: Goddess Deck: Contemplation / Chang O
West: Rider-Waite: High Priestess
Well now. I take away from this that inner clarity is possible, likely, but still have to work for it. Still, possible! A good thing.