Should I color this or do another version of it and color that?
Why another version? Because I’m not super thrilled with the side flowers if this were a finished piece. Which is wasn’t, since it was me experimenting. I was using Chinese ink from my sister on watercolor art-card sized paper. It was much easier to get different values with this ink than I expected! Lovely. Looking forward to playing with it more.
I had been sketching some baneberry (Actaea spicata) for the poisonous Inktober 1 prompt, but in the end this happened. No underlying drawing first (probably obvious), and that ink or its stone were pretty hard on my brush. Hm.
Not likely to post all my Inktobers here in the Patreon blog—partly enough is experimental and partly I don’t feel a huge need to clog your inboxes (just when I have a question or something for you…) … but you can find more experiments on my Instagram too, if you want.