[** Update: downloads are archived after two months—or more—so patrons have plenty of time to access them. Sometimes it’s much longer! I removed these over a year after posting… I’m make the post public when I archive the downloads, so more of you can see the idea and the process. Feedback welcome! —Kir, November 2020 **]
Because MB requested it! Here’s the colorable version of the Tiny Tine drawing I posted back in April (https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketchbook-its-18157908) . By all means ignore my rough splashing of color here! Maybe I should just post the black and white… Hm.
My apologies for being late with these this month. I’m catching up on everything again. (In mid summer that was medical stuff; this time it was because my amazing mom took my daughter and me to Greenland.)
As always, holler if you have any trouble downloading or with the files!
Extra Musings because that’s what I do…
It is possible that I may someday use a different method to create colorables. At the moment, they way I do it preserves some of my varying ink line sketchiness (especially with the Tiny Tin series). What do you think? I know of one artist who uses a a Wacom (or similar) tablet and digital pen to trace her own paintings, in an outline way. These come out beautifully; her lines are smooth and consistent, more like a traditional coloring book. I don’t have those particular tools, so I use other features of (old versions of) Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. I could do a lot more on computer processing than I do to make the line weights less sketchy. But should I? When and for what reasons would that be a good plan?
Your advice is welcome!