[** Update: downloads are archived after two months—or more—so patrons have plenty of time to access them. Sometimes it’s much longer! I removed these over a year after posting… I’m make the post public when I archive the downloads, so more of you can see the idea and the process. Feedback welcome! —Kir, November 2020 **]
Instead of a partly colored image, I thought I’d share a bit of the early pencil sketch as the preview image! (Will this make you want to download the coloring sheet more or less? Hm. )
This was scrawled into a sketchbook full of prompts! This one is “Mermaid” . The paper was a little thin, nice sketchbook texture though. Kind of a slightly yellowed white color paper. A bit see through. Some prompts just didn’t speak to me and sometimes I just didn’t make sketches I liked after doing them. Pretty sure the practice was good for me though.
Some of you probably have seen the drawing here or there? I did it a while ago. I think I haven’t posted a coloring page version anywhere yet though.