[** Update: downloads are archived after two months—or more—so for patrons have plenty of time to access them. Sometimes it’s much longer! I removed these over a year after posting! I’m make the post public when I archive the downloads, though, so more people can see the idea and the and process. Opinions welcome! —Kir, June 2019 **]
Am I supposed to wait until after pledges go through? Um, really? Ooops.
February’s drawing-to-color is “Pouring Joe”—part of the Tiny Tin series. I think it was inspired by a EMG Sketchfest prompt from last fall. It’s micron pen on sketch paper, and the original is only 2.5 x 3.125 inches or so—the tin’s size. The scan is at moderately high resolution so I could make a printable a bit larger for you.
This is my Very First one of these posts-for-patrons-where-they-can-download something. (But not the first time I’ve abused hyphens, clearly.) So I have a few questions that really only you, my lovely people, can answer.
I’m attaching both a .jpg and a .pdf file. I can print both, and I scaled the images to where I liked the printed results at about half-a-US-letter-page size—the drawing lines were still clear while being a handy size to color. How about for you?
Can you download both files?
Do you have a preference for file type?
Can you print them both?
Does the printing work out for you?
What other sketches, creatures, beasties make you happy?
Is the artwork too sketchy? Do you want cleaner, more continuous lines? Or is this clearly-from-a-drawing style a thing you like?
Please, please leave me comments and feedback, either on this post or in the Community section .
Thank you so much!