Coloring Goodness for June 2020 // Tree Shepherd’s Daughter

[** Update: downloads are archived after two months—or more—so patrons have plenty of time to access them. Sometimes it’s much longer! I removed these over a year after posting…  I’m making the post public when I archive the downloads, so more of you can see the idea and the process. Feedback welcome! —Kir, February 2021 **]

Being caught up was good but then stuff happened and I’m not, again!

I will get there! 

Enjoy this one. I don’t know what the Tree Shepherd is, not his daughter. Dryad doesn’t fit, nor does Ent, nor does human… what do you think? I welcome your comments!

Usually I like to schedule these for Fridays so can have them for the weekend, but I would r rather get this out to you! I hope your weekend is lovely. Mine has involved catching up with friends  and scheduling more of such, writing some things, a touch of work, and not going camping after all.