[** Update: downloads are archived after two months—or more—so patrons have plenty of time to access them. Sometimes it’s much longer! I removed these over a year after posting… I’m making the post public when I archive the downloads, so more of you can see the idea and the process. Feedback welcome! —Kir, February 2021 **]
Way back when, I’d asked y’all about a background (all this white space) when I posted the ink drawing: https://www.patreon.com/posts/wip-what-19438678 Well, I took the advice inplied in the like (thanks, Krystal!), and didn’t put one. So you have room to add whatever patterns, textures, and/or colors you like there. I would love to see what you do with it!
Like the last one, to have fun and make a preview, image, I printed the file to cheap practice paper. This is really because haven’t run out of it yet, although I did use up a bunch of it when I was doing some after school art classes with kids.
On the other hand, I had a lot of fun just smooshing around browns and purples on this one. This paper is good for smooshing I guess…. My BiggerKid liked the paint-so-far, which is always a joy.
Next missions (for myself): really learn where the shadows fall. Use better paper and see what happens.
Oh and look—I think I have figured out really mostly the line quality issue I want/like! I am not holding my breath…if I can do this for the next few I’ll be sure… (But if so, eeeeee! Happiness.)